A downloadable game

Adam’s Grapple is a 2D Foddian game in which the player must harness the power of a grappling gun to ascend from the depths of an ancient temple. As the player rises, the areas become harder to traverse, and falling is more dangerous as the dreadful thought of losing progress is likelier.

A team of archeologists is adventuring through ruins when they stumble upon a treasure: an ancient grapple gun. They pick it up, unknowingly triggering a pit trap, leading to the entire team's death. The sole survivor, our Main Character, had his legs crushed by falling debris, and must use the grappling hook to escape the pit and return to civilization.

2D Foddian game where the player must use a grapple to make their way to top! Some players report being a little... "frustrated". So just keep that in mind. 

ART WAS NOT DONE BY US. We borrowed art assets from free sources until we get an artist.

Game Video Link: 


AdamsGrappleAlpha (1).zip 32 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and then run the "AdamsGrappleAlpha.exe"

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